Where to Sell Navajo Rugs: Exploring Your Options

Dr. Harry Noland
12 Min Read

Navajo rugs are beautiful and valuable pieces of art that deserve to be appreciated by collectors and enthusiasts alike. If you have Navajo rugs that you’re interested in selling, you may wonder where to start. Luckily, there are several options available to you, including online marketplaces, local auction houses and galleries, Native American art and craft shows, and more. In this section, we will explore each option and provide tips on how to make the most of your selling experience.

Key Takeaways:

  • There are multiple options available for selling Navajo rugs.
  • Online marketplaces can reach a wide audience of potential buyers.
  • Local auction houses and galleries can provide a more traditional selling experience.
  • Attending Native American art and craft shows can be a great way to connect with buyers interested in Navajo rugs.
  • Selling directly to collectors and interior designers can establish valuable connections and ensure higher profits.

Online Marketplaces for Navajo Rugs

If you want to reach a wider audience, selling Navajo rugs online can be a fantastic option. There are several online marketplaces where you can list your rugs for sale, including popular websites like eBay and Etsy, as well as specialized rug-selling platforms.

When you sell online, you have the ability to connect with potential buyers from all over the world. This can be especially beneficial if you are looking to sell a rare or unique Navajo rug that may not have a large audience in your local area.

Optimizing Your Listings

When you list your Navajo rugs for sale online, it’s important to optimize your listings to attract potential buyers. This can include including high-quality photos that showcase the intricate details and the beauty of your rugs. You should also provide detailed descriptions that highlight the unique features of your Navajo rug, as well as information about its history and cultural significance.

Make sure to price your rugs competitively, taking into account factors like size, condition, and rarity. You may also want to consider offering free shipping or other incentives to entice potential buyers.

Connecting with Authentic Buyers

One of the challenges of selling Navajo rugs online is ensuring that you connect with authentic buyers who appreciate the cultural significance of these beautiful works of art. To do this, you may want to consider reaching out to online communities of rug enthusiasts and collectors, as well as promoting your listings through social media and other channels.

By taking these steps, you can ensure that your Navajo rugs are seen by the right audience and that you get the best possible price for your sale.

Local Auction Houses and Galleries

If you prefer a more traditional approach to selling Navajo rugs, there are local auction houses and galleries that can help you reach potential buyers. These establishments specialize in selling art and collectibles, and they often have a loyal clientele interested in Navajo rugs.

To get started, research local auction houses and galleries in your area and find out if they have experience selling Navajo rugs. Look for reputable establishments with a history of successful sales and satisfied customers.

Once you have identified potential auction houses or galleries, you can reach out to them to inquire about their consignment process. This typically involves setting a reserve price for your rug, agreeing on a commission fee, and signing a contract outlining the terms of the consignment.

Before consigning your rug, you may want to get an appraisal to determine its value. This can help you price your rug competitively, and it can also provide you with a bargaining chip when negotiating with auction houses or galleries.

Once your rug is consigned, the auction house or gallery will handle the marketing and sale of your rug. They will typically handle shipping and payment processing, so all you need to do is sit back and wait for the sale to be completed. Once the rug is sold, you will receive your portion of the proceeds minus the commission fee.

Keep in mind that selling through local auction houses and galleries can take longer than other methods, as it often involves waiting for the right buyer to come along. However, it can be a great way to reach a target audience interested in Navajo rugs and to establish valuable connections within the local art community.

Native American Art and Craft Shows

Attending Native American art and craft shows can be an exciting opportunity to showcase your Navajo rugs to a targeted audience. These events draw in buyers who appreciate the artistry and cultural significance of Native American crafts.

When researching Native American events, look for shows that specifically feature rugs or have a focus on Native American textiles and crafts. These events can be found through online directories or by reaching out to Native American organizations in your area.

Setting up an attractive booth is crucial for catching the attention of potential buyers. Consider using traditional Navajo-inspired decorations and displaying your rugs in a way that highlights their unique features. Make sure to price your rugs competitively for the event and have business cards or other marketing materials on hand for interested buyers.

Attending Native American art and craft shows can also be an excellent way to network with other artists and collectors. Engage in conversations with attendees and other exhibitors, and be sure to follow up with any potential leads after the event.

In summary, Native American art and craft shows can provide a targeted audience for selling your Navajo rugs. By presenting your rugs in an attractive booth, pricing them competitively, and networking with other artists and collectors, you can increase your chances of success at these events.

Direct Sales to Collectors and Interior Designers

If you want to ensure higher profits and establish valuable connections, consider selling Navajo rugs directly to collectors and interior designers. These individuals are passionate about rugs and willing to pay top dollar for unique pieces that match their taste and style. Here are some strategies for making direct sales:


Building connections with collectors and interior designers requires networking. Attend art shows, cultural events, and exhibitions where these individuals are likely to gather. Bring samples of your work, business cards, and a positive attitude. Be ready to discuss your art, tell your story, and answer questions.

Showcasing Your Rugs

Interior designers and collectors are interested in unique pieces that stand out. Make sure you have a variety of Navajo rugs to show, including rare and one-of-a-kind items. Display them in an attractive and well-lit space, and use props and accessories to help visitors envision how the rug would look in a home or business setting.

Negotiating Prices

When selling directly, you have the freedom to set the price for your Navajo rugs. Do your research and compare prices on other comparable pieces before setting your price. Be prepared to negotiate with buyers, but also know your worth and stick to a fair price.

Following Up

After a sale, be sure to follow up with buyers. Send a thank-you note or email, and ask for feedback about the rug and the buying experience. This can help you improve your selling techniques for the future.

By directly selling to collectors and interior designers, you can establish valuable connections, showcase your unique Navajo rugs, and set your own prices. Be persistent, be passionate, and you’ll be able to turn your love of Navajo rugs into a profitable venture.

Consignment Shops and Specialty Stores

If you prefer to sell your Navajo rugs locally, consignment shops and specialty stores are great options. These businesses provide the opportunity to showcase your rugs in a physical location, allowing potential buyers to see and touch them in person.

When approaching consignment shops and specialty stores, be sure to research their target audience and the types of products they typically offer. Look for businesses that cater to customers interested in Native American art and crafts or home décor. This will increase the likelihood of your Navajo rugs appealing to their clientele.

When negotiating consignment terms, consider factors such as the percentage of the sale you will receive and the length of the consignment period. Be sure to ask about any fees or charges that may be associated with the consignment process.

To promote your rugs within the local community, consider attending community events and promoting your rugs through local publications or social media. This will help to increase awareness of your rugs and potentially attract more customers to the store.

Remember, consignment shops and specialty stores are local businesses, and building a good relationship with them can lead to long-term success. Be professional, courteous, and responsive to any inquiries or requests from the store owner or staff.


Selling Navajo rugs can be a rewarding experience, but it requires effort and a well-thought-out strategy. By considering all options available, you can effectively showcase your rugs to a wide range of potential buyers and establish valuable connections within the industry.

Remember to do your research, set your prices competitively, and present your rugs in an appealing manner to attract potential buyers. Utilizing online marketplaces, local auction houses and galleries, participating in Native American events, engaging with collectors and interior designers, and exploring consignment shops and specialty stores, are all effective ways to sell your Navajo rugs.

As you embark on your Navajo rug selling journey, keep in mind that patience and persistence are key. With a little bit of effort and a lot of passion, you can successfully sell your Navajo rugs and share their beauty with others. Best of luck!

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